Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pre-Holiday Post

Gosh, I look at the date and think how quickly the time has passed between my last blog entry and now.  It’s funny that I often think of what I want to write, but never find the time to sit down to put pen to paper.  Here goes.
The Train
I commute to work on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday via the train.  It’s really nice because Sam and I get the pleasure of travelling to work together.  There are some times that I bring Harrison into the city to meet Sam for lunch or we all travel together for a Saturday down in Fremantle.  There have been a couple instances on the train that really stick in my mind:
I was travelling back from the city with Harrison after having a lunch meeting with my boss – Harrison had a nice lunch date with his daddy. We had taken the train into the city on this day because Harrison LOVES to ride the train.  Sometimes you cringe at the smell of some of the people that get on the train.  It’s a mix of people, never know what you are going to get, but for the most part it is usually a nice commute.  However, on our way back home, a man got on the train at Perth Underground, right behind Harrison and me.  He had his hard rock music up loud (not in his ears – but playing aloud on his phone for all to hear), was extremely fidgety (like a drug addict would be), looked to be in his early 40’s, was very dirty, and his smell matched his appearance.  Harrison and I were sitting facing forward and he was sitting in row opposite facing us.  I thought about getting up to move, but the train wasn’t crowded enough in our car and I thought it might look obvious if we got up and moved, so even though I was uncomfortable in his presence, we stayed in our seats.  He kept staring at Harrison and me, making me even more uncomfortable, but I still stayed put.  About half way through our commute, Harrison fell asleep in my lap.  I was rubbing his head and the train lulled him to sleep, as it often does.  As he drifted off, I noticed the man smiling.  He was smiling a peaceful smile and was being very still, as if he was remembering something.  My heart softened towards this man who looked like life wasn’t treating him well.  I began to think maybe he was having a fond memory of his mom or just a time when life wasn’t so complicated and jaded by all the things we allow into our lives.  He turned off his radio, as it seemed he didn’t want to wake Harrison.  He just sat there and watched him sleep.  I smiled at him as I got off the train.  He smiled back.  Not a creepy smile, but a genuine smile.   It was a weird moment. Shame on me for feeling icky toward him.  Perhaps he needed that moment to get him through a tough time, and I needed that reminder not to be so quick to judge.
You know how they say everyone has a twin.  Well I think it is absolutely true.  Call me crazy, but there are many of you that I have seen in Australia! J  Maybe it is because I miss many of you so much, but I guarantee you have a long lost clone here in Oz.  And if you came to Australia without telling me and that was you...and I find are in trouble! HA!

Thankfully, the ONE person I would not want to see a clone of has not surfaced.  I’m going to chalk that up to God’s grace.  He knows I might lose it if that person shows up here in Oz!  I know it takes all kinds to make the world go round, but Lord help us if there were one more crazy in the world like her. J
I know Halloween isn’t really a holiday, but it was a disappointing taste in my mouth of what the holidays might be like for us here.  Halloween isn’t really a big thing here and a series of events on Halloween Day prevented me from giving my kids the kind of fun Halloween I had planned.  I sulked for a few days and got over it.  Optimism has returned.  What good does the alternative do me? LOL
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and it will be the first Thanksgiving I have ever worked in my 34 years on this planet.  It is also the first Thanksgiving I haven’t been with my parents and grandparents.  Since Sam and I have been together we have been going to Thanksgiving at Donna’s house the Sunday before Thanksgiving...and naturally, we missed that too.  Of course it is more than the tradition of going somewhere!  It’s the family that are coupled with the traditions.
Specific things I will miss this holiday season:

·         FAMILY!!!

·         The smell of my gran’s house on Thanksgiving day

·         Saying hello to my grandpa while he sits on his porch by his pot belly stove

·         Kidding around with my brother

·         Eating Donna’s cherry salad

·         Drinking beer with Mike and Pat in the garage

·         How pretty my mom’s house always looks decorated for Christmas

·         Catching glimpses of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV

·         Visiting before and after the meal

·         Black Friday shopping with my dear friends (and sometimes my mom when she isn’t at the deer lease)

·         Putting up Christmas lights on our house, decorating the tree and wrapping all the gifts purchased on Black Friday the weekend after Thanksgiving

·         Our church Christmas play

·         Christmas Eve lunch at Grandpa B.’s and Christmas Eve dinner at Gran’s

·         Getting up early so the kids can open their presents and we can get on the road to Alvarado to be with Sam’s family

·         Pat’s Christmas morning sausage roll!!!

·         Mike’s Birthday on New Years and the stuffed jalapenos, beer and good conversation that come with it
This year will be a new experience for us, just as the last 10 months have been.  We will make new beautiful memories this year with the people that mean so much to us here in Australia.  For the first time ever, I will cook most of the Thanksgiving meal along with my friend Alison.  We’ll celebrate on the Sunday after and not on Thanksgiving Day.  I will work Christmas Eve, and we will go to church that night to sing carols.  We will go to beach Christmas morning for a breakfast brunch and we’ll have a dinner celebration at Jane’s that night.  The following day will be Boxing Day here and we’ll do a barbeque and pool party with Rob, Alison and the kids.  New Years...who knows?
This holiday season there are many things I will miss and many wonderful new memories to make.  No one ever said stepping outside your comfort zone was easy.  No one ever said moving to the other side of the world is easy.  And no one could have told us the countless blessings we would experience by moving here.  I must remember to count them, in their abundance, and I encourage you to never take for granted the special people in your life.  Hug them, love them and be thankful for them, and hold your traditions, whatever they may be, near to your heart. 
Happy Holidays,